BrandForge animated logo
BrandForge animated logo



  • Art Direction
  • Logo
  • Stream Assets
  • Character Design
  • Splashart
  • 3D Animation
  • Figure
Artemis is a retired, professional Overwatch player for Dynasty.C. Wishing to invest a little more in streaming to develop her community and her brand DNA, we imagined a whole new concept of visual identity and branding for this type of content creator.
Creating a character representing its digital double, with its own universe, making its immersion in the gaming world even stronger and giving a much more pronounced meaning to it's stream pack. As branding experts, we also felt it was important to do this since it highlights her structure, to which she is strongly attached, and allows her personal branding to grow in parallel.
Our client is a fervent admirer of Japanese and Asian culture, favoring nerve-inducing games such as Overwatch or Valorant and positioning herself as the main DPS of her team. Our challenge lay in the complexity offered by this service, to create a total branding solution with an ultimate level of creativity, and provide a maximum level of merchandising content, authenticity in the visuals, and a branding unique in the world.
We were inspired by big groups such as Riot Games or Blizzard and their signature approach to developing the storytelling around their characters. Drawing strongly on the roots of the mythology associated with her name, we dove deeper to get a full understanding of what her brand should represent.
Artemis, in Greek mythology, is the goddess of hunting, nature and wild animals, the moon and chastity. Pink is Artemis' favorite color so we made sure to incorporate it. The omnipresent presence of the Moon throughout the project was very important to her as well, as a reminder of the original goddess. We were able to take advantage of the Asian culture and its symbols, such as the Sakura flower, a very popular emblem steeped in meaning, so it was easy to memorize.
Artemis now has one of the most sophisticated brand images available on Twitch, allowing her to expand its image internationally without feeling inferior to the branding of the world's biggest superstars. We would like to thank Artemis for her great indulgence and her ability to collaborate on a project of this scale.